an editorial for national farmers day
Bringing Home the Bacon
Written by: David Moyer | CSB Ag Manager & Market President
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Bacon & eggs? Corn Flakes? Yogurt? How about toast with butter and strawberry jelly? Where do you suppose that food came from? The grocery store, right? Well of course it did, but where do you think the grocery store got it from?
Almost every single food item in the store was produced by a farmer!
The bacon came from a pig farmer. The eggs were produced by a poultry farmer and the yogurt, milk and butter came from a dairy farmer. But what about the corn flakes or the toast? Well the cornflakes were made with corn and the toast was made with wheat... both come from grain farmers. Even the strawberries that went into the jelly were grown by a farmer and I should mention farmers grow more than just food. They even grow cotton which is made into many of the clothes you wear today!
Farmers do a lot of other cool things for our community too. They need machinery to plant crops, milk cows and plow their fields. They also need supplies to feed and clean their animals and parts to fix their tractors. So when they buy all of those things from local farm-supply stores, they are also helping provide jobs for people in our community.
Many of those farmers continue to operate through the same great bank that you do... Community State Bank. One of my jobs at CSB is working as an Ag Lender. I work with local farmers from all over Southeast Wisconsin to make sure that they have the tools and supplies that they need in order to bring food to your dinner table. Some of those farmers happen to be my greatest friends and let me tell you... they are some of the hardest workers I know.
So the next time that you’re at the grocery store with your family, take a look at all the food on the shelves. Whether it’s fresh strawberries, canned tomatoes, frozen hamburger or a bag of potato chips, remember that all of those things were produced by a hard working farmer.
To all of the local farmers that choose Community State Bank as their hometown bank, thank you! We appreciate all that you do to make our world and our communities strong and healthy.
Learn More about Ag Banking at Community State Bank